Advance Impressions
Predicting whether a movie, book, TV show, or other work will be any good is a venerable fannish pastime, stretching back over decades. Now, in the modern age of advance marketing buzz, it’s getting easier and easier to get the lowdown on an upcoming release six months ahead of time.
Advance Impressions
- posted 11/27/2006Ghost Rider
It seems Marvel Studios hasn’t learned from the disaster of Ang Lee’s 2003 Hulk. The lesson to be learned? If the lead character of your movie looks like a bad special effect, it simply doesn’t matter how good the rest of the movie is. Audiences cringing every time the hero comes onscreen is a problem that simply can’t be overcome. FN webmaster Kai MacTane “pre-reviews” the upcoming Ghost Rider, starring Nicolas Cage.
- posted 02/29/2004Spider-Man 2
Spider-Man 2 looks set to follow in Spider-Man’s footsteps as the franchise Marvel gets right. Picking up where the original left off, it promises more of the deft balance of aerial action and human introspection that made the first movie a perfect screen adaptation of the classic comic.
- posted 02/22/2004King Arthur 2004
Portraying Guinevere as a battle-ready, woad-painted Pictish warrior may seem odd to modern eyes — conditioned as we are by the romanticized quasi-Medieval renditions of Arthurian legend — but it actually makes some sense. Sadly, the same internal logic doesn’t seem to carry over to other major plot and character elements, and this retake on the Arthurian cycle looks likely to falter in its own inconsistencies.