Media Resources
These resources are designed to help you get a handle on what freaks are actually like, as opposed to perpetuating stereotypes. We’re assuming that “you” in the previous sentence are some sort of news or media reporter, academic researcher, or other, similar, type of person who’s writing an article, essay, news piece, or study that needs to be sourced, documented, and backed up. If you’re a fellow freak, most of what’s here is likely to be pretty boring to you. However, if you’re a fellow freak who’d like to add to the quotes we’re making available, please contact the webmaster.
Media resources
- FAQ for the Media
If you’re a journalist or researcher of nearly any type, you’ll probably be interested in this document, detailing the Freak Nation’s leadership and structure (or complete lack thereof), where to find people you can quote, and more.
- Freak Terminology
Freaks, like any other subculture, have a variety of terms, slang, and jargon that they use. This guide will help you if you’re actually intereviewing freaks in your area.
- Quotes for the Media
A selection of quotes on various freak-oriented topics, which you have blanket permission to use in your project.
- Major Freak Sites
Links to other sites that can help give you specific introductions to particular freak sub-groups.